Our handbell choir practices regularly throughout the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Please contact our Minister of Music at [email protected] if you are interested in ringing with us!
Beach Spring arranged by E. Johnson performed by Carrie, Angela, Karen, Cherie, Vanessa, and Dongil.
Creator God Creator Still arranged by E. Johnson performed by Vanessa, Karen, Angela, Carrie, Cherie, Dongil, and Bob
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing arranged by E. Johnson performed by Karen, Angela, Carrie, Vanessa, Cherie, Dongil, and Bob
Vocal Choir
Our vocal choir meets every Sunday before church at 8:45 for rehearsal during Fall, Winter and Spring. Please contact our Minister of Music at firstcongregationalchurch@ myfairpoint.net if you are interested in joining our vocal choir.
Handbell Choir
Our handbell choir meets every Sunday after church at 11:30 a.m. for rehearsal during Fall, Winter and Spring. Please contact our Minister of Music at [email protected] if you are interested in joining our handbell choir.